
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 10 Nov 2015 16:44 EST
Pie chart doesn't display correct data if the chart was sourced by a data page which is in turn sourced by a summary type report. (7.1.9)
I wanted to display a pie chart along side the repeating grid which shows the count of all open work by status.
The data could be populated by OOTB report definition "pyOpenCountByStatus", however due to the limitation of "repeating grid" control, discussed in another thread Why summary type Report-Definitions are not supported for Repeating Grid? (7.1.9) I have to source the repeating grid with a data page which is sourced by "pyOpenCountByStatus" report definition in turn.
Now, if I use the same data page to source the pie chart, the chart doesn't display correct count for each work status. (for test purpose I modified filter condition of "pyOpenCountByStatus" report, hence the completed work also counted)
I wanted to display a pie chart along side the repeating grid which shows the count of all open work by status.
The data could be populated by OOTB report definition "pyOpenCountByStatus", however due to the limitation of "repeating grid" control, discussed in another thread Why summary type Report-Definitions are not supported for Repeating Grid? (7.1.9) I have to source the repeating grid with a data page which is sourced by "pyOpenCountByStatus" report definition in turn.
Now, if I use the same data page to source the pie chart, the chart doesn't display correct count for each work status. (for test purpose I modified filter condition of "pyOpenCountByStatus" report, hence the completed work also counted)
Interestingly, if the pie chart is directly sourced by "pyOpenCountByStatus" report definition, the chart displays correct number.