
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 26 May 2016 7:28 EDT
7.2 Refresh-Section works for "Report sourced" repeat grid, but doesn't work for "Data page sourced" repeat grid.
I've configured a section containing a repeat grid which displays the search result of a report definition.
There is also a button which "refresh this section" to update search result on the screen.
Initially, the repeat grid is sourced directly by the report definition, and refresh works fine as expected.
However, the refresh button start to behave in a strange way as I changed the source of repeat grid to a data page which is intern sourced by the original report definition.
Interesting thing is the section displays same result at first time no matter it is sourced by a report definition or a data page sourced by the same report.
The tracing result shows that the parameters passed to the report definition is re-posted, however the parameters passed to the data page is not re-posted, when the section reloads.
And the reason is the generated HTML contains hidden inputs to hold params that are passed to the report definition as below HTML shows.
So, is this a known limitation of data page sourced repeat grid? or it is a product defect?
report sourced | data page sourced |
<div class="yui-skin-sam gPercent grid-responsive-default " id="PEGA_GRID_CONTENT" pyfilterhandled="false" pysorthandled="false" |
I've configured a section containing a repeat grid which displays the search result of a report definition.
There is also a button which "refresh this section" to update search result on the screen.
Initially, the repeat grid is sourced directly by the report definition, and refresh works fine as expected.
However, the refresh button start to behave in a strange way as I changed the source of repeat grid to a data page which is intern sourced by the original report definition.
Interesting thing is the section displays same result at first time no matter it is sourced by a report definition or a data page sourced by the same report.
The tracing result shows that the parameters passed to the report definition is re-posted, however the parameters passed to the data page is not re-posted, when the section reloads.
And the reason is the generated HTML contains hidden inputs to hold params that are passed to the report definition as below HTML shows.
So, is this a known limitation of data page sourced repeat grid? or it is a product defect?
report sourced | data page sourced |
<div class="yui-skin-sam gPercent grid-responsive-default " id="PEGA_GRID_CONTENT" pyfilterhandled="false" pysorthandled="false" currentpageindex="1" totalrecords="2" pypagemode="Numeric" pypagesize="50" focusiblegrid="true" showexpandedall="false" brodetails="false" bfiltering="true" threadprocessing="true" pytargetsection="" bhidegridhdrwhennorows="false" sorttype="" sortproperty="" editrowindex="" gpropindex="pgRepPgSubSectionListOfCasesBBPpxResults1" columnlist=".pyID .pxCreateDateTime .pyStatusWork " pydisplayselectedvaluesfirst="false " paritalrefresh="true" pypaginateactivity="" rdparams="Status1,Status2"> <input name="SubSectionListOfCasesBBStatus1" type="hidden" value="Param.Status1"> <input name="Status1" type="hidden" value="Pending-Approval"> <input name="SubSectionListOfCasesBBStatus2" type="hidden" value="Param.Status2"> <input name="Status2" type="hidden" value=""> <table width="100%" class="gridTable repeatReadOnly" id="gridLayoutTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=""> <tbody> <tr> <td class="mainGridTableCell" valign="top"> <input name="pgRepPgSubSectionListOfCasesBBPpxResults1colWidthGBL" id="pgRepPgSubSectionListOfCasesBBPpxResults1colWidthGBL" type="hidden" value=""> </td> |
<div class="yui-skin-sam gPercent grid-responsive-default " id="PEGA_GRID_CONTENT" pyfilterhandled="false" pysorthandled="false" currentpageindex="1" totalrecords="4" pypagemode="Numeric" pypagesize="50" dpparams="Status1,Status2" focusiblegrid="true" showexpandedall="false" brodetails="false" bfiltering="true" threadprocessing="true" pytargetsection="" bhidegridhdrwhennorows="false" sorttype="" sortproperty="" editrowindex="" gpropindex="D_InvestigationCasesByStatusPpxResults1" columnlist=".pyID .pxCreateDateTime .pyStatusWork " pydisplayselectedvaluesfirst="false " paritalrefresh="true"> <table width="100%" class="gridTable repeatReadOnly" id="gridLayoutTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=""> <tbody> <tr> <td class="mainGridTableCell" valign="top"> <input name="D_InvestigationCasesByStatusPpxResults1colWidthGBL" id="D_InvestigationCasesByStatusPpxResults1colWidthGBL" type="hidden" value=""> </td> |