PegaWorks for PegaReach GUI Issues in Windows 10
My Client still has a working PegWorks 8.1.5 for Solaris application using PegaReach as the desktop client and Workbench as the developer toolkit. Much of the user base is migrated to Windows 10 But Workbench (for PegaReach seems to have a number of issues under Windows 10 with respect to the Projects and Favorites side panels. These issues are preventing the Development and support teams from migrating to Windows 10.
The rules listed in the Current Project will cease to be displayed leaving only a skeletal folder structure shown without the rule name themselves. Only when you close and then reopen WorkBench are the project rules visible again. My client uses the project migration workflows for version control and using Projects is unmanageable due to this issue with the WorkBench GUI.
Is there a hotfix/desktop patch for this problem?
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****