pega.desktop.activateDocument java script function is not working after upgrade to 8.8.3
We recently upgrade our application from Pega 8.5.2 to 8.8.3. After upgrade we are recieving SECU0019 alert.
Activity=pzRunActionWrapper*Rule-Obj-Activity:pzRunActionWrapper*@BASECLASS PZBUILDFILTERICON #20191031T160256.942 GMT Step: 2 Circum: 0*0*false*NA**NA*NA*NA*NA*NA*NA*NA*NA*Unauthorized request detected : Unregistered request encountered with params pyActivity:DoClose eventSrcSection:Data-Portal.PortalNavigation. We are using pega.desktop.activateDocument in button that is causing this issue.
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree to update Capability tags***
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