Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 7:29 EDT
PegaCHAT technical queries based on v7.1.3 implementation
We did a PoC last year to implement PegaCHAT v7.1.3 with PegaCS v7.1.4 on Pega platform v7.1.9.
Below is the list of issues identified -
1. DNS script to balance DB load was not working to support HA architecture.
2. Pega chat server was unable to send authentication cookie/header to our Web application server.
3. There was a limitation on the Pre-Chat questions and data masking of responses.
4. Position of Pega Chat logo was not modifiable in last version.
5. Certificate exchange between Pega server and Pega CHAT server was not working except overriding the JVM argument in Websphere and the same resulting SMA non-functional.
6. Pega chat client was unable to connect to Apache Reverse proxy server due to secure tunnel failing.
I would like to understand if these issues were addressed in latest version of PegaCHAT (v7.31) and if yes is there are documentation available?