
Myknowtech B.V
Myknowtech B.V
Myknowtech B.V
Posted: Feb 16, 2017
Last activity: Feb 16, 2017
Last activity: 16 Feb 2017 23:53 EST
PegaCALL CTI ScreenPopUp
We are using CPM 7.1.3 over Pega 7.1.8.
I need to know how a pegacall popup works when a call arrive.
I know the basics like IVR determines the ipaddress of the CSR and trigger an event to some particular port. Some activeX controls monitors and displays the screen popup.
Now my question is what is happening inside.
Is there any JavaScript involved which determines yes this is the portal I need to display the pop-up. Some IP address comparison should be there right.
Can any people from pegasystems clarify on this..
I need more technical advise on this.
I already went through the implantation and installation docs. Still not cleared.
Really appreciate if some share their knowledge.
Thanks in advance.
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