
Virtusa Corporation
Last activity: 7 Aug 2023 10:34 EDT
Pega Upgrade 8.6 - FW Components availability
We currently have the following PEGA product & FW components installed on our system. We are planning to upgrade our system to PEGA 8.5 or PEGA 8.6 and we are looking for the respective compatible FW version. Could you please review and advice what version we need to go for the below FW /Robot components when we upgrade our system to PEGA 8.5 or PEGA 8.6. Current System Details: Pega Version Pega 8.2.6 . Pega Frameworks Pega HC (HCIF) v 8.2 , Pega CRS v 8.2, Pega CWS V 8.2 Pega Robot Manager 8.2 , Robotic Automation Runtime 19.1 Note: As per the available documentation (, we do not see the documentation for respective compatible version availability for the below FW components. The current max version we see for Pega Claims Repair for Healthcare V 8.4 , Pega Claims Workstation+ for Healthcare v 8.4.