Pega Robotics Solution and projects loading very slow
Hi Team - Need experts help. We have built automation solutions, projects which are dependent on each other and any automation procedures we load from these projects are loading extremely slow. Even to make a minor change in a procedure its taking painfully long time. Once the development is complete, when its time to build a solution for debug, testing and deployment, it takes almost 20 mins and is extremely unproductive for the team.
Our architecture houses solutions and projects with automation procedures built across various usecases which spans close to 4 years now but off late the solutions and projects are extremely slow in loading. We checked with our infra teams and n/w teams and they have confirmed that it has nothing to do with the dev environment.
Are there any settings or temp files that can be cleared to avoid this situation? Our dev team's productivity is severely impacted due to this and not sure if upgrading to a latest robotics version will do any help.
We are using Robtics studio version of 19.1.25.