
Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Last activity: 20 Jun 2019 23:18 EDT
Pega Robotic Runtime Invalid Credential
Dear all,
I want integrate pega robot manager and pega runtime environment, but when I start robot runtime, the credential is always show 'Invalid credential'.
Please help to resolve this issue, and the environment settings is in attachments, thank you very much.
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Accepted Solution

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Using "CredMgrUI.exe" to add credentials, enter domain and the same username and password in PRPC, then, we can connect to Robot Manager and register robot successfully by Runtime.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please specify the Robotics version which you are using. Did you install Studio and Runtime on the same machine? Are you trying to interrogate Robotics Runtime?

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
My Robotic Studio version is 8.0.2027 and I did not install the Runtime on the same machine, I only use the OpenSpan.Runtime.exe installed by Studio.

Pegasystems Inc.
I think it invokes the register service at pega end. You can try to trace that service rule while you try to register from robotics runtime.
I hope you already disabled the tsl/ssl option in the service package.
This is service endpoint in your case:
http:// Proprietary information hidden:9090/prweb/PRRestService/robotics/v1/register

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
I try to test the endpoint in platform, the popup window show as below attach image.
Could you please tell me how to trace that service rule while when I try to register from robotics runtime.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you able to login to PRPC with same user credentials as specified in RPA? You can try modifying the credentials in PRPC and re-type the credentials in Robotic side and try to login.
Also check whether the Robot "Robot Name: 'CDC313568'" is valid at PRPC side.

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
I can login to PRPC with same user credentials as specified in RPA, and I also can use this credential to login with Robotic Studio.
Can you tell me how to check whether the Robot "Robot Name: 'CDC313568'" is valid at PRPC side?

Pegasystems Inc.
Once you login to RobotManager in PRPC, you can see the Robots under Workgroups menu.

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
I open the robot manager portal and can not see any Robots under the workgroups menu.

Pegasystems Inc.
In the RuntimeLog, I see the response saying,
"RoboticAdmin does not have enough privileges to perform this action"
Can you attach a screenshot of the settings for your RoboticAdmin operator? The security tab. Only 'Allow rule check out' should be checked. On the Work tab, the 'Operator is available to receive work' should also be checked. Can you verify this?
Accepted Solution

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Using "CredMgrUI.exe" to add credentials, enter domain and the same username and password in PRPC, then, we can connect to Robot Manager and register robot successfully by Runtime.

Labb Consulting
Hi, I'm having the same problem when running runtime. I have ver 19.1 of pega robotics
I tried adding a runtime user with same credentials as our pega platform . im not sure about what domain to use though. Can you please provide more example?

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Using "NSLOOKUP <<Your Server IP>>" to check you server domain.

Labb Consulting
Thanks for the quick response, one last thing, this will still need the pega platform server to have a running "Robot Manager" with an active "robotics Operator" created, is that correct?

Accenture Technology Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Yes, you should create related OperaterID, AccessGroup, WorkGroup and WorkQueue.