
Bank Sinarmas Tbk Pt
Last activity: 11 Oct 2022 3:22 EDT
PEGA Max File Upload Size Infinite Loading
Hello, I have a requirement to limit file upload size to 10MB per file and I've successfully achieved this by modifying the Rule pyMaxDragDropAttachSizeMB.
The problem is after the confirmation dialog that pops up from the browser appeared and the user clicked "Ok", PEGA will "load" infinitely and the user is stuck unable to do any action because the loading animation keeps them from doing anything.
Although we discovered a temporary fixes, this does not apply to the user. When using the Dev Studio We've been able to get pass the Infinite Loading by switching tabs (Whatever tab works, we just need to switch out the current Infinite Loading tab, and switch back in). This fixes however doesn't fix the issue in the first place.
Is there any possible solution for this? I don't think PEGA actually loads something, it is just stuck in the load animation and could not refresh the screen. Product version is 8.6
Thank You