Does BIX has max file size limt?
BIX Version : 7.3.0.
Extract rules are configured to produce XML files. Produced XML file contais work objects including attachment. Looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WorkObject item>...</WorkObject item>
<WorkObject item>...</WorkObject item>
<WorkObject item>...</WorkObject item>
In case result XML file size is about 70M - all things is OK.
But somethimes work objects has a lot of attachments and result XML file size i about 120M, and it is malformed. Looks like the first part of XML is absent:
...Part of WorkObject item...</WorkObject item>
<WorkObject item>...</WorkObject item>
<WorkObject item>...</WorkObject item>
<WorkObject item>...</WorkObject item>
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****