
Bank of America
Last activity: 13 May 2022 15:02 EDT
Pega mashup to create case without authentication
We have requirement to allow anonymous/external user to submit a request, the request needs to be reviewed and approved my case manager. We have designed Mashup screen to submit the request w
We designed Request case with 2 stages “Create” and Approval”, the Create stage has collect details process and Approval will be routed to manager to review the customer details and approve the request and the customer will be notified the approval status via email.
We designed the Mashup channel to create Request case and want to host as external website, so that the customers can submit the request without login. But we are facing challenge to render the Mashup without login. We tried below options and none of the options seems to be working. Its always asking to login to access the mashup. Can you please share some options to fix this issue?
Option 1: Using standard UserIdentifier and Password
data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"UserIdentifier":"External","Password":"xxxxx", "pzSkinName":"DeliverySvs","pyMashupSkeletonName":"pyOpenAssignmentSkeleton"}' >
Option 2: using PegaRULES:Guest operator
data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"GuestUser":"External","Password":"xxxxx", "pzSkinName":"DeliverySvs","pyMashupSkeletonName":"pyOpenAssignmentSkeleton"}' >
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Maantic Inc.
@Dhanasekar S You might have to update the OOTB activity IACAuthVerification to ignore credential checks.
Ayan Pal Dinesh Kumar Kondapi Venkata Mohamed Akeel
Updated: 23 Aug 2021 16:52 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Create an Authentication Service of type Anonymous with Operator context using "By name".
Create an Operator with Access Group with a new portal. The OOTB portals will not work.
Create a mashup and change the URL to include "PRAuth".
Use the generated Mashup code in your externally facing application. The create UI will show up without login screen.
See the following links for about creation of Anonymous Auth Service:
Enrico Angkawijaya

Cognizant Technology Solutions
i amusing personal edition 8.5, and i exactly followed your suggestion
1. Create an Authentication Service of type Anonymous with Operator context using "By name".
2.Create an Operator with Access Group with a new portal. The OOTB portals will not work.
3.Create a mashup and change the URL to include "PRAuth".<should i replace the url with anonymous auth url?>
4.Use the generated Mashup code in your externally facing application. The create UI will show up without login screen.
but still getting the login page (that anonymous auth url is working fine though, using that i can bypass authentication)
(I am trying this by pasting the mashup code in online html editor like e.t.c.)

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please share the Anonymous URL and the URL used in the Mashup to compare?

Senacor Techologies Aktiengesellschaft
Hello @NixonPhilip
I am facing the same issue as Agnibnar. I followed the steps in a personal edition. The anonymous Authentication works but if I use it in the mash up it does not.
This is my link:
I then add it as the URL in the Mash Up and generate the mash up code:
<!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** --> <script src ='http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRAuth/Test?pzuiactionzzz=CXtpbn1GUEJhTHVqT2ptU....
It shows a grey screen with "localhost connection has been denied"

Pegasystems Inc.
Looks like you the URL is missing a snippet similar to this - "/app/YourAppName_1234/"
Your Mashup URL should look something like this:
Vitor Alcantara de Almeida Enrico Angkawijaya

Cognizant Technology Solutions
@NixonPhilip I am facing issue while using any browser other than Mozilla, In Mozilla it was working!!
Mohamed Akeel

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm having problems getting this configured correctly. I created everything but when I try to run it, I get nothing. Not even an error.
Here is my mashup code:
I'm having problems getting this configured correctly. I created everything but when I try to run it, I get nothing. Not even an error.
Here is my mashup code:
<!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** --> <script src ='*'></script> <div data-pega-encrypted ='true' data-pega-encrypted-hash = 'pzuiactionzzz=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%3D*' data-pega-gadgetname ='PegaGadget' data-pega-action ='createNewWork' data-pega-action-param-classname ='Gov-SLGGMSBase-Work-MashupTest' data-pega-action-param-flowname ='' data-pega-isretained ='false' data-pega-isdeferloaded ='true' data-pega-applicationname ='SLGGMSBase' data-pega-threadname ='TestMashup' data-pega-channelID ='MASHUP1bc8bfb9caa240b9b93793e487eb273c' data-pega-resizetype ='stretch' data-pega-url ='' data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"pzSkinName":"SLGGMSBase","pyMashupSkeletonName":"pyDefaultMashupSkeleton"}' ></div>
<!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** -->
Here is my service is attached.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Clarence,
What is the Portal assigned to the Access Group of "TestUser"? It needs to a new Web Channel and not an OOTB one.

Pegasystems Inc.
@NixonPhilip So I got it working as we discussed yesterday. However, the Audit trail does not indicate the "TestUser" I assigned to the authentication service. It assigns me and I'm not even sure how it's getting me as the creator. Any thoughts?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please make sure you that you are logged out or using an incognito sesion before launching the Mashup site.
Take a look at the clipboard after the case creation. The pxCreateOpName will 'TestUser', but pxCreateOperator will show a number like AU88721652468014960.

Infosys Ltd
@Dhanasekar S Hi mate, how did you resolve this issue? What was your final approach? Would you be able to share some details around this? Thanks. Shikhar

JP Morgan
@Dhanasekar S don’t you have org wide Sso being used by user on login. Why can’t you use the same credentials to establish challenge less screen during your mashup?