
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Posted: Jun 29, 2018
Last activity: Jul 2, 2018
Last activity: 2 Jul 2018 12:19 EDT
Pega Marketing v7.3.1 - Email Trackable solution in Email Treatment
How are the email trackable requests recorded in Pega? In email treatment with an inline button that tracks the customer's interactions there is possibility to send a follow-up email based on these interactions. It will have associated some parameters like:
“<pega:param name='Trackable' value ='true'/><pega:param name='Resp' value='Accepted'/>”.
“<pega:param name='Trackable' value ='true'/><pega:param name='Resp' value='Accepted'/>”.
But how exactly this tracks recorded in Pega? My understanding three is a link service built into the application. But which rule is actually used for this. Does Pega exposes any service for this? If the Pega platform is not exposed in internet, and only available in intranet, will this functionality still work?
I have gone through, and looking for some more details around it.