Pega Deployment Manger - Not able to establish connectivity between Orchestration Server and Candidate System
Hi Team,
We are facing an error as below when we are trying to connect b/w the orchestration server and a candidate system as QA after following exact steps mentioned in the documentation.
{"scenario":"Orchestrator to Quality Assurance","stageName":"Quality Assurance","testCaseName":"CONNECTIVITY","statusValue":"FAIL","scenarioId":"DIAG_002","errorMessage":"The QualityAssurance environment is not accessible.","troubleShootingTips":"Check whether the QualityAssurance environment is up and running. Ensure that QualityAssurance environment URL follows 'http://<server url>/prweb' pattern in 'Pipeline settings'.","pdnUrlLink":""}]}
Does any way any idea where to look or what to understand the actual cause of it.
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***