
Wells Fargo
Last activity: 9 May 2019 5:27 EDT
Getting "candidate systems are able to access the orchestrator" error while doing Pipeline diagnose test
Hi Team,
We are trying to implement “Deployment Manager(04.03.02)” in our application(PRPC V8.1.4)I have created pipeline using “DMReleaseAdmin” operator and as of now we are having only two(Dev and SIT) environments. When we are doing diagnose test we are getting "candidate systems are able to access the orchestrator" error while Orchestrator server is connecting to SIT server and In tracer we can see pzDiagnosticConnector connect Rest is getting invoked and we are getting below response.
Hi Team,
We are trying to implement “Deployment Manager(04.03.02)” in our application(PRPC V8.1.4)I have created pipeline using “DMReleaseAdmin” operator and as of now we are having only two(Dev and SIT) environments. When we are doing diagnose test we are getting "candidate systems are able to access the orchestrator" error while Orchestrator server is connecting to SIT server and In tracer we can see pzDiagnosticConnector connect Rest is getting invoked and we are getting below response.
{"scenarios":[{"ID":"DIAG_024","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"DMReleaseAdmin is not present on Candidate system","test":"CONNECTIVITY","troubleShootingTips":""},{"ID":"DIAG_009","status":"FAIL","errorMessage":"Candidate system was not able to connect to orchestrator","description":"Callback n/w issue to orchestrator","test":"CONNECTIVITY","troubleShootingTips":"Please ensure that the candidate systems are able to access the orchestrator. Typical problems include incorrectly configured RMURL Dyanmic System Setting, network connectivity issues, incorrectly configured ports on the orchestrator among others. Also, Make sure that the 'Require TLS/SSL for REST services in this package' in CICDservice package is enabled if you are using HTTPS and disabled if you are using HTTP urls"},{"ID":"DIAG_013","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"Target application exists","test":"TARGETAPP","troubleShootingTips":""},{"ID":"DIAG_010","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"Access group check","test":"AG","troubleShootingTips":""},{"ID":"DIAG_014","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"Target application is built-on PDF","test":"PDF","troubleShootingTips":""},{"ID":"DIAG_025","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"SSL incorrectly configured on api service package","test":"CONNECTIVITY","troubleShootingTips":""},{"ID":"DIAG_017","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"Dev Repository connectivity check","test":"DEVREPO","troubleShootingTips":""},{"ID":"DIAG_019","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"Prod Repository connectivity check","test":"PRODREPO","troubleShootingTips":""},{"ID":"DIAG_011","status":"SUCCESS","errorMessage":"","description":"Check ZipMoveImport,ZipMoveExport privileges for AG","test":"AG","troubleShootingTips":""}]}
Authentication Profile and RMURL are configured properly in both Orchestrator and Candidate servers and selected "Require TLS/SSL for REST services in this package" checkbox in CICD and API service package as we are using HTTPS url.
Kindly let me know what changes i have to do to resolve the above issue.