Last activity: 31 Mar 2021 0:57 EDT
pega customer service start my day
There is 'Start my day' button in Customer Service Interaction Portal how to invoke my local process? Could anyone please help me with that. Thanks in advance.
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Pegasystems Inc.
@chaitraA8609, that uses Pega Robot Runtime. The bare minimum you need to get it to work is install Pega Robot Runtime in the same desktop you open the browser to access the Pega Customer Services application. You need to configure Pega Robot Runtime with attended RPA also know as RDA.
To enable the integration between Pega Customer Services and Pega Robot Runtime you need to enable the local REST service in the runtime like this <LocalApiService enabled="true" SSL="true" port="9443" allowedOrigins="*" JWTSecurity="false" PegaServerURL="" /> In this case I'm using SSL so you need to enable RDA when installing the runtime so the process installs a local certificate to support this. If you don't require SSL just set it to false.
In Pega Platform you need to set the DSS pegarobotics/runtime/DesktopRoboticsURL to the URL in your local runtime i.e.: http://localhost:9443 or leave as default which will use the localruntime domain in the certificate installed.
If you're not planning to use a robotic solution you need to configure the runtime to allow that. Update RuntimeConfig.xml setting <add key="AllowRunWithNoPackage" value="true" />
With this running you should be able to configure your workspace from Pega CS and setup new apps to work with SMD.
Hi ,
I want to connect pega customer service and pega robotic studio and use start my day in pega customer service to run the automations
I have done the following steps
1.Modified all the configuration files to connect pega application and pega robotic studio
2 Added robot activity and start my day component in a global container and gave activity name in the robot activity properties
3.In the flow action under pre processing ,I have given the run robotic automation name as same as activity name in robotic studio
4. Created an automation using activity started event from robotactivity and start application method for start my day controller
Now when I click start my day on pega application ,I want the automation to run. Is all the above steps fine or do i need some more steps to be done? Is there any pre requisites for this?
Kindly help me with this.
Pegasystems Inc.
SMD is OOTB you don't need to add any new activities, nor update flow actions or to create any automations. You need to add the SMD component to the global container if you want to use pre-defined adapters only. If you use pre-defined adapters you need also to mark the adapters for SMD (this is an option in the adapter properties).
The first step would be to test that the components integrate even without pre-defined adapters. To do this you should refer to my previous note and enable the integration between Platform and Runtime. Did you manage to do this?
You can also test that the runtime is enabled by using a browser and using the URL http://localhost:port/api/v1/runtime/IsAvailable adapting the URL to the values you have defined for the Runtime to use i.e.
Chaitra A
@Angel Hermira do we have to make any changes in common config file ??and the automation developed in studio should have "Allprojectstarted " right ???
Pegasystems Inc.
@chaitraA8609 , common config file is only used for connection to Robot Manager which is not essentially needed to get SMD to work.
Runtime config is required to configure the RDA local service also if you run it without a package (default apps adapters are not used).
@Angel Hermira upon clicking configure my workspace in pega customerservice i am getting the error Workspace error.PNG
and upon clicking start my day button i m getting this
Errors: |
Pegasystems Inc.
@chaitraA8609 , it looks like either the local REST service in Runtime is not running or the CORS policy is blocking your request. Did you check the service is running? you can do that using the URL I indicated before. You can check the CORS errors using the browser's developer tools.
@Angel Hermira How can i start my automation when clicked on start my day button in pega customer service as i am asked to add some rules while launching the applications