
Virgin Media
Last activity: 19 Jul 2018 9:52 EDT
Pega Chat pyUserData map to clipboard property
Hi All,
We are using Pega Chat 7.31 and would like to map our pre answered questions that arrive in property pyUserData(<key>) to something on the pyWorkpage clipboard and have it display to the user on the work object screen. We also need it so that we can index the properties for search to find it.
How do we add those values into the necessary clipboard page?
Also does anyone know how to add a custom property to the inherited class "PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Chat" so we can have it on the pyWorkpage clipboard and populated from our answers? There must be a DT or Activity we can customize to our business needs.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Craig,
The Activity which sets the properties to pyWorkPage is CPMGetChnSvcsParams and it is present in PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Chat class.
Try to use the out of the box properties present in PegaCA-Work-Interaction class, rather than creating new properties.
Please write back , if you need more information

Virgin Media
Hi Prask,
You caused me a little confusion, as the CPMGetChnSvcsParams is a DT not an activity. Anyways, the problem we have is that the standard OOTB properties are simply not suitable and in the case of ContactId it's not appearing on the pyWorkPage even if set from the pre-chat answers! Nor does it appear in the pyUserData. We are not dealing with Contact and/or Account datasources here as we don't hold that information.
So I want to use our custom properties that inherit from our class in our implementation of Chat. But I need to know how to get our properties onto the pyWorkPage clipboard in order to use them to display on the users view.
The whole OOTB Chat implementation assumes you have contact and/or account information in a datasource and makes decisions based on that fact. We don't nor need those datasources, therefore we need to customise to suit our requirements.
So I would like to know how to influence the properties that appear on the pyWorkPage in order to meet our requirements. Which on the face of it is simply to represent the pre-chat answers to the users screen and to be able to index those properties so we can then search for them later on.
Ali Madhani

Virgin Media
OK I just traced an incoming chat with a private edit against the DT you mentioned.
Me thinks this is a problem.
The when condition in the DT returns false for the property pyUserData even though it exists as can be seen and I've highlighted.
Any ideas?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Craig, is that the OOTB version of the CPMGetChnSvcsParams ? I'm looking at our 7.31 version and I see the first step of the DT has a when condition @PropertyExists(".ChannelServicesInteraction.pyUserData"). In your case, It looks like "ChatSvcsChatInteraction.pyUserData". I don't know if that particular page has these properties.

Virgin Media
Hi Amit,
Yes it's the OOTB 7.31 version.
So I have customised this into our class and ruleset and as per yours set the when condition to @PropertyExists(".ChannelServicesInteraction.pyUserData") and now it's working as expected.
Is yours the same one against PegaCPMFS 7.31?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Craig, glad to see it's working. The PegaCPMFS version would seem to be incorrect. I work in the base Customer Service product, so I was looking at the PegaAppCA version. If this is something you wish to have fixed OOTB, I would suggest raising an SR. I'll reach out the FS team internally to make sure it's fixed going forward in the next release. But, if you would like a hotfix for the OOTB version, that will require an SR that they can work against.
Piyush Kumar Philip Harris Riyandi Lapod

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Craig, I confirmed with the CPMFS team that this issue is already resolved in the 7.4 release. Thanks