
Bank of America
Posted: Jun 1, 2016
Last activity: Jun 22, 2016
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Hello Sireesha,
Which version of PEGA you are on ?
Could you delete that property and try to create a new property and then do the same thing.
It looks like SR-A76180 has been raised for the same issue.
Did you override decision tables pyInboundIdentifierEncoder and pyOutboundIdentifierDecoder?
Could you please check below DSS present or not.
json/LegacyMapping |
Pega-IntegrationEngine |
true/false |
Enable this DSS to use Decision Table for older PRPC version like 63SP1 |
Inbound and Outbound JSON mapping |
Hi, I have tried the above approach.But still the decision tables are not called when the service is invoked.
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