
Last activity: 18 Jun 2022 22:11 EDT
Parse Json to clipboard ( without creating properties )
HI All,
We have requirement to map below sample JSON into Clipboard and process , we used JSON DT in 7.3 to resolve the issue.
but we dont have option to solve pega 7.2.2 and lower.
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "work",
"value": " Proprietary information hidden"
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User"
"userName": "Op334",
"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {
"costCenter": "",
"employeeNumber": "Op334",
"department": ""
"roles": [
"value": "Pegaadmin",
HI All,
We have requirement to map below sample JSON into Clipboard and process , we used JSON DT in 7.3 to resolve the issue.
but we dont have option to solve pega 7.2.2 and lower.
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "work",
"value": " Proprietary information hidden"
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User"
"userName": "Op334",
"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {
"costCenter": "",
"employeeNumber": "Op334",
"department": ""
"roles": [
"value": "Pegaadmin",
"display": "Pega RulesAdmin"
"schemas": [
"name": {
"formatted": "Anthony Walker",
"familyName": "Walker",
"givenName": "Anthony",
"honorificPrefix": "Mr"
"active": true,
"abcd": {
"networkId": "Op334",
"domain": "AU",
"costCenterId": "123456"
"emails": [
"type": "work",
"value": " Proprietary information hidden",
"primary": true
urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User - this Array element causing the issue as we cant create property.
We gave this in Property qualifier but no luck.
We need to process this JSON and map this to clipboard.