Pega Call Videos not working on Pega Web site
I would really like to see the Pega Call functionality in the video section Pega provides but unfortunately the videos don't run.
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I would really like to see the Pega Call functionality in the video section Pega provides but unfortunately the videos don't run.
Are you referring to the video labeled: how to capture CTI debug and screenpop logs?
That is the only video i am seeing for pegacall. If there is another one please provide the URL / video name
Regarding the above video, you can capture the same data /context from the Pegacall install guides for the various cti platforms. They will include the debug options and how to enable them. The above video would only address implementations up to some of the Pegacall 713 releases at which point Pega moves away from Active X / Applets presence agents over to longpoll and then websockets in the latest release.
The video worked for me, so you may want to try a different browser.
Thank You
Here is the link.
Also, I've attached an image of the video screen not present.
I am not sure if that video exists. I have generated a feedback request to report this.
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