
Last activity: 25 Mar 2019 5:50 EDT
Pega 7.3.1 - Split-For-each not splitting on page
Greetings PDN :)
I have a question about the usage of Split-For-Each in the following scenario:
- I have the following pagelist: pyWorkPage.PageList. Which has class "FW-Test"
- Each of the elements of the page list, pyWorkPage.PageList(1) an on, has the class "Data-Test"
Now with this in mind, I have a flow in the class "FW-Test" called "Flow1". In the Split-For-Each shape, I'm forced to call another flow that is from the same class than my PageList, so I call a 2nd flow "Flow2" which will send an email to each of the users in that PageList.
The problem is that when I run this flow, I get the message in the tracer "Not splitting on page PyWorkPage.PageList(1) because it has class Data-Test which is not equal to or deriving from FW-Test".
Is there any work around for this type of issue? Or I can only do a Split-For-Each on PageLists which have elements from the same class?
- Luis Orellana
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****