PDF geneartion in PEGA
Can we generate password protected pdf's in PEGA?
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Can we generate password protected pdf's in PEGA?
Accepted Solution
Hi Vandana,
I checked the OOTB 'HTMLTOPDF' and I don't believe it currently allows for the 'setPermissions()' call which is available in PD4ML at this point: I will log an ENH request for this : so our Product Management Teams will be able to review this request whether it would be a viable and desirable thing to include in a future release of PRPC.
[ EDIT - I have logged the FEEDBACK/ENHANCEMENT for this FDBK-12511:"Request for 'Password-Protected' PDFs option in HTMLTOPDF." ]
You could probably create a custom ACTIVITY which initializes the 'PD4ML' engine yourself, and add in the required call to do this: the downside of this approach is that you lose all the other handling (of CSS/IMAGES etc) that HTMLTOPDF (or indeed the Public API call 'PDFUtils') does for you.
Hi Vandana,
I checked the OOTB 'HTMLTOPDF' and I don't believe it currently allows for the 'setPermissions()' call which is available in PD4ML at this point: I will log an ENH request for this : so our Product Management Teams will be able to review this request whether it would be a viable and desirable thing to include in a future release of PRPC.
[ EDIT - I have logged the FEEDBACK/ENHANCEMENT for this FDBK-12511:"Request for 'Password-Protected' PDFs option in HTMLTOPDF." ]
You could probably create a custom ACTIVITY which initializes the 'PD4ML' engine yourself, and add in the required call to do this: the downside of this approach is that you lose all the other handling (of CSS/IMAGES etc) that HTMLTOPDF (or indeed the Public API call 'PDFUtils') does for you.
So instead of doing that: you can 'post-process' the PDF making use of the 'PDFBox' library - which also ships with OOTB PRPC. See this previous POST (regarding getting Page Counts from a PDF) for more information on this.
In the meantime, I have thrown together an ACTIVITY which does just this - here's the code: (I happened to do this on 7.1.7 - it should still work on 7.1.8 (and lower versions as well: just check your system [see the post linked above] for what version of 'PDFBOX' you have)).
And here's the JavaStep that does the conversion - note how we have already transferred some PARAM objects to 'mirrored' LOCAL variables here (just make the Javacode more readable IMHO).
com.pega.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument doc=null; com.pega.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.AccessPermission ap=null; com.pega.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardProtectionPolicy spp=null; //Get the byte array of original PDF (transferred from Param->Local Variable in previous step). byte[] byteArray=(byte[]) PDFDocument; bis=null; bis = new; try { doc=com.pega.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument .load( bis ); ap=new com.pega.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.AccessPermission(); ap.setReadOnly(); spp=new com.pega.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardProtectionPolicy( UserName, Password, ap); doc.protect(spp); out = new;; PDFDocument=out.toByteArray(); // Replace old byte array with newly generated one. } catch(Exception e) { throw new PRRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (bis!=null) { try { bis.close(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new PRRuntimeException(e); } } if(doc!=null) { try { doc.close(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new PRRuntimeException(e); } } }
By the way: I'm not very happy about my try/catch/finally logic there, looks to be overcomplicated - so I won't be offended if anybody wants to tidy up this !!!
1. PRPC ships with a 're-badged' PDFBOX here - so that the package name is not 'org.apache[...]', but 'com.pega.apache[...]'.
2. We are using the OOTB 'VIEW' activity here to actually display the PDF: (I missed this off on the first screenshot, to concentrate on the PROPERTY-SETs).
3. We are using the 'Pass current parameter page' for both HTMLTOPDF and VIEW - which makes it easier (IMHO) to 'chain-up' steps here.
4. The PDFBOX library wants both a username (I used 'gcs' in my test) and a password (I used 'topsecret' in my test) - but when I open the PDF (with 'Foxit' as it happens) - only the password was asked for.
I'll attach the result here for reference.
One other thing: I *think* this is a problem with my Foxit installation - I (most of the time, but not always?) get this error when I enter the password - the PDF shows ok:
( X ) Encountered an improper argument
Does anybody else get the same error when opening in Foxit (or indeed Adobe Acrobat?)
[ EDIT: pretty sure the error is Foxit-specific - just opened up the same PDF on a different machine using Adobe Acrobat - no errors for me. ]
Thanq very much John:-)
I'll try implementing your inputs on this..
Its Workinggg!!! Thanks John!
Great ! Cheers !
Question Solved
Question Solved
Question Solved
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