Wirpo Technologies
Last activity: 31 Aug 2017 6:58 EDT
PCM 7.2 Is not working as expected with Pega 7.3
Hello All,
Please find below findings
1. I created a policy for data transform saying that
" Block developer when update data transform give proper description and usage "
The violation is coming when description and usage are blank. But the violation is coming still when DT having usage and description.
I created a policy for activity saying that
" Send violation review when activity is having page and class with $Any"
When activity updated with $any, it is allowing to check-in/Save. Violation case created. If reviewer reject the case , still rule checked-in with $any class
3. Exception Case not at all creating for any scenario.
4. The PCM is working fine only for block developer.
5. Please share installation guide.
6. It would be better if we get GCS support or some one from developer forum to help us solve these all problem.
***Edited by moderator, Maryrita: moved to Product Support from Pega Upgrade Center***
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***