
Last activity: 20 Oct 2016 3:20 EDT
Pass parameter to Agent Activity
I am calling the Queue-For-Agent method from an activity 'X'. It is calling an Agent who is calling an activity 'agentActivity'.
I would like to pass a parameter from activity 'X' to activity 'agentActivity'.
Any ideas how to do it ?
Thank you in advance,
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Pegasystems Inc.
One quick way could be to use a page. Set the parameter value on page level and later in the agent activity use that page to refer the parameter.

Hello Santanu,
I tried as you said.
In activity X (the one calling the agent) I set inside a page 'TestPage' the parmeter I need to pass to the agent activity.
Screenshot of activity steps calling the agent:
I traced the agent activity when it is called and it seems that the parameters are not passed.
Below is a screeshot of the Agent configuration:
Any idea how to send to send parameters to the Agent activity when the agent is called from another activity (using the queue-for-agent method) ??
Thank you very much in advance,
Updated: 14 Oct 2016 1:02 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
You need to have a mechanism in the agent activity to refer the page that you set.
Can you share your agent activity configuration ?

Hello Santanu,
Please find below screeshots of the agent activity.
Parameters tab:
Pages & Classes tab:
(Please note that activity calling the queue-for-agent has as a step page 'TestPage' where parameters have been set in it)
Securiy tab:
Thank you Santanu, I am looking forward for your reply :)
Thanks & Regards,
Hello Santanu,
Please find below screeshots of the agent activity.
Parameters tab:
Pages & Classes tab:
(Please note that activity calling the queue-for-agent has as a step page 'TestPage' where parameters have been set in it)
Securiy tab:
Thank you Santanu, I am looking forward for your reply :)
Thanks & Regards,

Any ideas ?

Try Save As of pycallParams property to your step page class.
Before doing the Queue for agent use property set and set the values you required to the properties on the pycallparams (linke TestPage.pyCallParams.pyID = '123' etc.,), and then Queue for agent. Now in Agentactivity refer the value as Testpage.pyCallParams.pyID
Check if this helps?

Hello Venkata,
Thanks for the hint. I did as you stated earlier but the agent activity does does not recognize the value of Testpage.pyCallParams.pyID.
I believe that is because it was not actually saved in the db and cannot save/commit it bcz I do not have the lock.

Try this, save your values on a page TestPage2 (before queue-for-agent set the values on the page and save), now use this page as .pyPageNames(2) (.pyPageNames(1) as your TestPage1) and then queue-for-agent TestPage1. And then in the agent acitivity define the TestPage2 in pages & classes and try to use.