Pass parameter page to Queue activity
We have a REST service exposed to a front end app. For reporting and debugging we are storing each request/response into the db. Our save to db activity logic is in a separate activity which we are invoking through Call method. Now in order to optimize performance we are trying to have the save operation as a async call through Queue method so that service activity is not waiting for saveTodb activity to finish. What would be the best way to implement this.
1. Queue-for-Agent: As we are not dealing with a case or work object so if we use queue-for agent would it store the MyServicePage and have it available to Queue Processor to save it in the db? With this approach we are not really avoiding the run time db hit as this method would create a queue entry in pr_sys_queue table, so is there really a benefit of using this?
2. Queue method: We can only pass parameter block to the queued activity for async processing. If I have a clipboard page with lets say 100 properties then mapping those 100 properties as params would be an overkill. How to efficiently pass 100 properties to async activity?
Thank You
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