Parameter getting trimmed when we pass HTML property as source.
String parameter value is getting trimmed incase the parameter value starts with 0 when sourced as an html property from a function alias for a function.
Ex : Funtion1 is called from Funtion1Alias. Function1 has a String input parameter which is sourced as a HTML property from the alias. The parameter values from the control are in the format 01,02 etc. When the alias is referred in a decision tree and we choose 01, it is trimming 0 and displaying 1 on UI.
Step 1: Create a HTML control to append the values as 01,02,03 etc.
Step 2: Create a property to include the above as UI control.
Step 3 : Create a function with a input parameter of type String and to set the parameter value to a property on workpage to show on UI.
Step 4 : Create a function alias to call the above function and source the parameter as the above property created in step 2.
Step 5: Use the function alias in the decision tree and select a parameter value and save.
Step 6: Check the value of the property set in the function in step 3 on UI. It is trimming the 0.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags & update SR details***