Pagelist inside another Pagelist - Declare Expression on a property in the Inner Loop and Looping over an Inner Pagelist
I have a pagelist inside another pagelist as shown below. How can I get the size of both the pagelists and more importantly, (dynamically) access the individual properties on each of Personnel Pagelist while looping through all the BudgetYears?
I was able to retrieve the size of the Personnel List for (first year as) BudgetYear(1) using
pyWorkPage.ApplicationInfo.Forms.BudgetInformation.BudgetYear(1) as the step page and then using ----> @SizeOfPropertyList(.Personnel). But how can I do this dynamically in an activity when I do not know the size of BudgetYear pagelist? How can I find out the total number (i.e. size) of BudgetYear and the number of Personnel in each of the BudgetYear?
I have a pagelist inside another pagelist as shown below. How can I get the size of both the pagelists and more importantly, (dynamically) access the individual properties on each of Personnel Pagelist while looping through all the BudgetYears?
I was able to retrieve the size of the Personnel List for (first year as) BudgetYear(1) using
pyWorkPage.ApplicationInfo.Forms.BudgetInformation.BudgetYear(1) as the step page and then using ----> @SizeOfPropertyList(.Personnel). But how can I do this dynamically in an activity when I do not know the size of BudgetYear pagelist? How can I find out the total number (i.e. size) of BudgetYear and the number of Personnel in each of the BudgetYear?
In a DataTransform, Can you please show me (via picture) how I can access/reference the Salary Property on the Personnel Pagelist which itself is on the BudgetYear Pagelist. For example, I want to retrieve Salary value for the the First Personnel in the Second Year.
Can you please show me via a picture in an Activity how I can access the Salary Property? Can you please show me how I can retrieve Salary value for the the First Personnel in the Second Year.
Can you please show me via a picture how to create a Declare Expression on the Salary Property as the target property? What should be my pagecontext?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****