
Virtusa Corporation
Last activity: 21 Jul 2017 3:43 EDT
Page-Set-Messages not shown in confirm and Review harness
I have a repeat grid sourced using a page list. And I have a button which on cliking runs an activity. In that activity, I am using a when condition looping over the page list to check for a text box displayed in a column in repeat grid. If the value of the text box property is empty, I am setting a property-set-message to show "This field cannot be blank". When in perform harness, the message is set and shown above the textbox. But when in a confirm or review harness, the message is not shown and just an small red triangle with shown inside textbox while on hovering over it only I could see the message. I want to display the message in the same way as in perform harness. Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to update Categories***