
Last activity: 3 Dec 2017 23:29 EST
Operator with multiple access groups and portal behavior
Hi friends,
I have a scenario in my application where operator has 2 access groups
For example : Operator name : [email protected]
Access groups: Super user (Default) and System Administrator
Super User has access to different features and Only System Admin can update operator profile.
Scenario 1:
So, In order to update the operator profile, I logged in as test operator with default access group as Super User and shift the portal to System Administrator, Operator changes are not getting saved.
Scenario 2: If I keep System administrator as default access group and login, I am able to update the operator profile.
so My question is, If operator with multiple access group irrespective of the default access group, If I have access to System administrator portal, I should be able to update the operator profile. So why this behavior in scenario 1 is observed? Any suggestions or inputs?