
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 27 Jan 2025 8:07 EST
Not able to save insights into production rulesets
Hi All,
We have a requirement to create insights in Production Environment. (Pega Constellation)
(For example)
In Production we have Production Ruleset name TMProd:01-01.
Creating Insights in Pega constellation app saves the insight into RSV, TM: 01-01.
Since the insight is created in "TM" RSV, in production also it is looking for open versions in the TM ruleset. But as it is not a Production Ruleset, we are not able to either update an insight or create a new one in Prod environment.
I have checked if the Production RSVs are properly configured in the access group (in place) but still not able to save insights.
Can anyone help.
Thanks in advance.
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Add the Prod RS in Application stack at the the top and try to create Insight and see if the insight is creating in prod RS. Once the Insight is in Prod RS remove it from the app stack.
Every insight will have a insight ID created(open the Insight from APP studio --> Actions--> Query info --> Insight ID), using Insight ID open it from Dev studio and try to save as the Insight to Prod RS and delete the original if needed.

Tech Mahindra
@KishoreKumarMadduri Thank you for the prompt response. We are not allowed to update the ruleset stack in prod. And since it is business users who are creating insights on the fly, we will not know when to add the Prod RSV in the application stack and when to remove them.
Updated: 15 Jan 2025 5:50 EST
Confirm if the production RS is referred in Access Group under advanced tab and Prod RS has open RSV.

Tech Mahindra
@KishoreKumarMadduri It is referred correctly. Still facing issue.

HCA Healthcare
@AnudeepKumarGThe issue occurs because insights created in the Pega Constellation app are being saved in a non-production ruleset (TM:01-01
) instead of the designated production ruleset (TMProd:01-01
). To fix this, ensure TMProd:01-01
is correctly marked as a production ruleset

Tech Mahindra
@Sairohith Thank you for the prompt response. The Prod rulesets are properly marked and still facing this issue.

HCA Healthcare
@AnudeepKumarG oh if the production rulesets are properly marked and the issue persists, then check if the TMProd:01-01
ruleset is in Application Validation mode, as this allows referencing other rulesets in the application stack. Make sure that the application is defaulting to TMProd
as the ruleset for saving insights. Thanks

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnudeepKumarG please also see the comments made in System run time context not picking Production rulesets
@Bogga is this a question you could help with?

Init AG
@AnudeepKumarG I had the same problem. Insights became savable once the operators had the "Allow rule check out" checkbox set on the security tab of the operator. This is a horrible solution but might give someone some idea what is going on here since a production ruleset doesn't require checkouts.