
Last activity: 13 Sep 2022 15:23 EDT
Not able to install Pega CDH Framework in Hackathon environment
Hello Team,
For our Hackathon application, Pega CDH is the backbone, recommending CDH offers to our UI application. Do we want to use only the Pega community edition for Pega Hackathon build OR Are we allowed to use the CDH Framework for our Hackathon application?
One more question is, we are planning to use our own cloud instance to build the application installing Pega CDH application and provide access to your team for the assessment. Is this fine for the submission? Please let us know.
We have gone through the Hackathon rules. I don’t see any statements related to CDH Framework usage OR whether the application to be built only in Pega provided Trail instance. Hence, seeking confirmation prior to starting our Hackathon work.
Nanjundan Chinnasamy