
Bits In Glass India Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 19 Feb 2019 7:39 EST
No need to show Calendar past date
In Calendar, we can customize it in different way. Now I have a question regarding calendar customization. Actually in our application, user want to see the date as in the calendar as well as in the drop down. It is fine and I have implemented that things. But the problem is that user don't want to see the past date and year in Calendar. How can we restrict them to show them the past years and dates?
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Rama Lakshmi Gandikota -
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ayan
What version of the product are we talking about here?
When you say, calendar, do you mean the datepicker popup from where you want to restrict past years and dates?

Just going through 7.2 release notes ( and this has:
The Date control can be configured to show only past dates, only future dates, or any date range that includes the current year. The Display range can be set to include a configurable range of previous years or next years. The number of years is relative to the user’s date.
May be you can request HFix for earlier versions!

Excellent find, although, as a note, it is counter to normal Pegasystems procedure to provide hotfixes to "backport" new features into older versions. Hotfixes are intended to (only) address product defects, not provide enhancements.
If this feature is required, you should update to Pega 7.2

Pegasystems Inc.

Agree, HFix is for defects and not for enhancements. But you never know if customer is an influential customer, Pega might provide an enhancement to earlier versions as a HFix!!!

Bits In Glass India Pvt Ltd
Hi All,
Agreed with you all. Firstly, we have to give HFix for this in Pega 7.1.6 because client don't want any upgradation.
@David- Agree with you also, but need HFix for this.
@Murli-Great job sir. Customer is influential and so that we don't need any upgradation from 7.1.6 to 7.2.
Guyz, please let me know if we need to talk with Pega for this HFix.

Hi Ayan,
If you understand how Pega formally treats enhancement requests, and you wish to submit a request to advocate for your client to receive an exception here, then I would recommend the following steps.
1) Take this topic offline.
2) Engage your account executive
3) Communicate your business justification and discuss the enhancement you wish to have backported in the form of a HFix.
4) Your account team will then need to engage Pega product management on you behalf.
Assuming your account team and Pega product management agrees to provide a HFix to backport an enhancement you will receive further instructions on how to work with GCS to provide that.
Good luck.

Pegasystems Inc.
Just to add on to what David and Rett have already communicated on this topic, there are many reasons for not going down the slippery slope of providing a hotfix to backport an enhancement. Just to set your expectations, this is not a common practice and one which we discourage.
I recommend you take the steps outlined by Rett which require input from your Account Executive and Pega Product Management.

Bits In Glass India Pvt Ltd
Hi ,
hanks Ryatt and Kip for your review. Actually if customer will upgrade the application from 7.1.6 to 7.2 then it is fine. But guyz, you all know about influential customer. They need this HFix for this for 7.1.6. Thanks again for this and I am trying to follow this steps once.