
Evoke Technologies
Last activity: 18 Apr 2018 9:37 EDT
Need option to download PDF on click of pdf icon in repeat grid
Hi Guys,
I have been trying to implement a basic functionality where user clicks on a pdf icon on a repeat grid row and it downloads the particular PDF file pertaining to that record/row. The source of the repeat grid is a dynamically generated report definition.
Few questions:
How can we associate a pdf to each record. Would having a column in the RD with the pdf file link on server be fine? As of now I am going to save the pdf files as separate binary files in pega.
2.I have a binary file in Pega with the InsKey as 'RULE-FILE-BINARY WEBWB LICENSEDOC!PDF #20180417T122054.417 GMT'. On click of the icon, I am running the activity @baseclass.DownloadFile and passing the insKey. But it isnt working.
3. When working with binary/text files,how do you provide the File Path. This is to say is the below correct:
Any suggestions?