
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
Posted: Mar 9, 2018
Last activity: Sep 14, 2018
Last activity: 14 Sep 2018 7:41 EDT
Need list of Frameworks using Built On Application
Hi Everyone,
I just want to ensure the below list of framework's are used when checked from Built On Application.
1. My Application Framework is built on PEGACPMFS
2. PEGACPMFS is built on CPMForFS_CPM
3. CPMForFS_CPM is built on CPMForFS_PegaChannelServices
4. CPMForFS_PegaChannelServices is built on PegaFSIF_Base
5. PegaFSIF_Base is built on PegaRequirements_Base
6. PegaRequirements_Base is built on SCM
7. SCM is built on PEGA_RULES.
So, as per the above built on application, are there only 3 frameworks used in my application ? So installing below 3 frameworks will ensure all the above built on applications will be displayed.
A. CSFS(CPMFS) Framework
B. CS(CPM) Framework
C. FSIF Framework
Did any other framework has been missed ? Can anyone please correct me.
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