
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 6 Nov 2016 11:51 EST
Need to Jump to different assignments of the screen flow
Hi All,
I am using pega 7.1.9 version. my requirement is to jump to different assignments of a screenflow. I tried the using pega OOTB jumpToTask. But it is not skipping to given task name . It is just staying in the same assignment
In the activity. Below are the step i have done
1. Open the WorkPage
2. Open the assignment
3. Set the parameter for the Jumptotask activity (Param.TaskName,Param.flowName,Param.assignPage,Param.previousAssignment).
4. Call Jumptotask activity.
the activity is flowing through without any issues. But flow parameters are not getting changed. Any advice on this is appreciated