
Standard Chartered Bank
Last activity: 2 Dec 2016 3:01 EST
Jumping between assignments in Screen Flows
I have a screeflow with 5 assignments. There is a button on each screen which opens a popup with list of all 4 screen(other than the current screen). On click of any 1 screen name, we should be able to navigate to that screen.How can we achieve that?
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Hi Aditi
Pega does not provide this functionality in the screenflow, you can either achieve it by enabling breadcrumb link trails on each Assignment shape of a screenflow.

Accenture Australia
Hi Aditi
You told that the first screen has the button which on click shows the names list of the other screens, When you select on any of the name it has to show that screen. If is it the requirement we can do in other way but i think there is a can try like this..on the button of the first screen place a modal dialog which shows the list of the other screens of buttons type and on the list of buttons configure a local action and give the flow action name.So that when you click on the button it will open that certain screen. Please find the attached screen shots document.
Note: You should have to give the names of flowactions on the assignment shape as local actions which you want to perform.
Problem: Here the problem is when you display and click on the other screen name it opens but the assignment will not complete. After completion of other screen also it will direct to the old one.
Please work on it and i too will work on it.
Thank you.

Standard Chartered Bank
Hi Dileep,
Will this solution works if I have to go back from Screen4 to Screen 1? Also I need to complete the assignment before we jump the screen.

Accenture Australia
Hi aditi,
i will work on this and will give the solution by the end of the day.
Thank you

Accenture Australia
Hi Aditi,
I created a screen flow which of 5 flowactions. In the fourth flow action i have a button to show all screen names as a button types.( you can also keep in every screen). On the fourth screen button i am running a modal dialog for showing all screen buttons and the finish assignment to finish that assignment. On that buttons i configured the local actions of the particular screens. On click the button it will open that particular screen and you can do work on the screen and submit it. After submitting that it will again come to the list of the screens again you have to submit it. Then automatically the assingnment goes to the 5 screen.
Exception(1) : After selecting one screen from the list and submit it but still all the buttons are visible? For that you have to enable the visibility condition for the buttons by passing the values to the properties and based on the properties the remaining buttons will visible.
Exception(2) : On calling the modal dialog on the screen 4 button, first it calls the modal dialog action and then after submitting in the modal dialog the screen 4 assignment will be finished. But I want the values which are entered in the screen4 to be used in the previsious screens? For that you have to call another action on the screen 4 button i.e POST VALUE. This will place the values in the clipboard even though the assignment is not finished.
Hi Aditi,
I created a screen flow which of 5 flowactions. In the fourth flow action i have a button to show all screen names as a button types.( you can also keep in every screen). On the fourth screen button i am running a modal dialog for showing all screen buttons and the finish assignment to finish that assignment. On that buttons i configured the local actions of the particular screens. On click the button it will open that particular screen and you can do work on the screen and submit it. After submitting that it will again come to the list of the screens again you have to submit it. Then automatically the assingnment goes to the 5 screen.
Exception(1) : After selecting one screen from the list and submit it but still all the buttons are visible? For that you have to enable the visibility condition for the buttons by passing the values to the properties and based on the properties the remaining buttons will visible.
Exception(2) : On calling the modal dialog on the screen 4 button, first it calls the modal dialog action and then after submitting in the modal dialog the screen 4 assignment will be finished. But I want the values which are entered in the screen4 to be used in the previsious screens? For that you have to call another action on the screen 4 button i.e POST VALUE. This will place the values in the clipboard even though the assignment is not finished.
Exception(3) : On clicking modal dialog i get the buttons list but still the background screen is visible? For that you have to work on the harness which will display on the modal flow section.
Please find the attached document.