Last activity: 20 Nov 2018 13:04 EST
Need to access CSV file from an external path on the cloud
We are trying to build a functionality to show a report to the user in form of CSV file, for which we want the user to have a functionality in the front end to download the CSV file without showing the result on UI since there are some dynamic columns change involved, and the column numbers might exceed beyond the UI limit. Any suggestion to implement this approach. (Note: the CSV file will be a very huge file)
If this approach is not possible, then is it possible to store the CSV file on a physical path on the PEGA Cloud?, by this we are trying to achieve fetching that CSV file which is stored at some external path (the path in our case would be somewhere on the server on PEGACloud) by giving a user access to reach to that path and download the file- The CSV will be generated by oracle scripts.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***