
Rulesware LLC
Last activity: 3 Jun 2020 10:47 EDT
NBA Designer lost synchronization with auto-generated rules (Strategies and proposition filters)
Our NBA Designer lost synchronization with the strategies in <MyOrg>-Data-Customer, by this synchronization what I mean is that even if I remove for Engagement Policies for a group, let say Retention-Proactive, the actions from the group are returned in the response, in this case NBA_Retention_Proactive is not reset, instead is keeps the configuration as in the group level template, similar scenario for the proposition filters, if a proposition filter is added by adding a condition in any Eligibility, Applicability or Sustainability policies and later the condition is remove with the NBA Designer, then the auto-generated proposition filter remains in the system and being referenced by the group level strategy.
How can I delete the group strategy (group level engagement configuration) or once it is created the only option is to edit the auto-generated components?
As reference for NBA Framework’s auto-generated components I am using: