
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 12 Jan 2017 18:13 EST
Names of sections rendered at the run time in an application
Question: Is there a way to find out the names of sections rendered on the screen at the run time by a requestor?
I mean all the sections - sections in a flow action and then section inside the sections , that are actually rendered ,
after the hide and show logic is evaluated.On click of buttons , if a section is displayed that too has to be captured.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you run tracer for your use case? The tracer log will capture all sections (with names) which are executed for the use case.

Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Please use tracer as it captures all the executed steps.

Pegasystems Inc.
While runnign tracer , you have to enable the strem rules option on.
Then it will show all the UI elements name

Generally UI Inspector/Live UI is used to inspect the sections being displayed on screen runtime, however you may also use Tracer to identify the Stream name with exact version details.

Morgan Stanley
Thank you all for your inputs.
I am looking to log the names of the sections invoked by a given requestor. I understand tracer gives me the options to look at the streams being rendered at run time. However , in an end user mode tracer will not be running. The application/framework should be in a position to keep recording the sections that are being invoked as part of a given requestor session and then log it in to a DB table for producing some reports.
For example , as an end user I invoked 5 sections - Personal Info , Education , Experience , Certification , Demographics. Now while I am invoking those sections ( may be as part of a flow action , a wrapper section , hide/show sections) as i work on a case , the intended solution should capture the names of the sections rendered and persist them in a DB table. By the end of that requestor session , system can pull out a report that this requestor invoked the following sections.

Morgan Stanley
Update: I figured out a hack to work this out.
I wrote a javascript in the UserWorkForm rule that run at a specified time interval ( x milliseconds) and generates the html source of the webform at that instant.
( Similar to right click and view source). I then parse that variable to pull out the section names and then write it to a file , that I create with the ID of the user who was the requestor. I also write the date time stamp in that same file so that I know when did that user invoke a given section.
function showSource(){;
var source = "<html>";
source += document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;
source += "</html>";
//now we need to escape the html special chars, javascript has escape
//but this does not do what we want
source = source.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">");
//now we add <pre> tags to preserve whitespace
source = "<pre>"+source+"</pre>";
var activityUrl1 = SafeURL_createFromURL(pega.u.d.url);
activityUrl1.put("pyActivity", "@baseclass.SetOtherRadioToFalse");
activityUrl1.put("pyStreamName", source);
Update: I figured out a hack to work this out.
I wrote a javascript in the UserWorkForm rule that run at a specified time interval ( x milliseconds) and generates the html source of the webform at that instant.
( Similar to right click and view source). I then parse that variable to pull out the section names and then write it to a file , that I create with the ID of the user who was the requestor. I also write the date time stamp in that same file so that I know when did that user invoke a given section.
function showSource(){;
var source = "<html>";
source += document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;
source += "</html>";
//now we need to escape the html special chars, javascript has escape
//but this does not do what we want
source = source.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">");
//now we add <pre> tags to preserve whitespace
source = "<pre>"+source+"</pre>";
var activityUrl1 = SafeURL_createFromURL(pega.u.d.url);
activityUrl1.put("pyActivity", "@baseclass.SetOtherRadioToFalse");
activityUrl1.put("pyStreamName", source);
pega.u.d.asyncRequest("POST", activityUrl1);
//now open the window and set the source as the content
//sourceWindow ='','Source of page','height=800,width=800,scrollbars=1,resizable=1');
// sourceWindow.document.write(source);
// sourceWindow.document.close(); //close the document for writing, not the window
//give source window focus
// if(window.focus) sourceWindow.focus();
var myVar = setInterval(showSource, 5000);

I would be extremely nervous about a piece of JS in userworkform which runs every 5 seconds. I have seen quite a few impossible-to-reproduce issues involving mysterious Browser hangs or crashes that have come from precisely this type of code in userworkform. It's not clear to me why you want this information, but I think it would be much safer if you just added a button to the portal which ran the above script precisely once, on demand.

Morgan Stanley
Coher ,
Thank you for your suggestion. You bring up a very valid point. I am going to monitor the bhavior of the above implementation and will update with the results as I get them.We can look at the stats then and discuss if this is a go or a no go.