
Last activity: 17 Apr 2017 13:39 EDT
Label and Section not rendering in same line in IE
I have a Dynamic Layout (Inline) section within which there is a label and section. The label has the text that will be displayed and the section has a help icon which will render a text in smart info. But in IE, the alignment is not proper and the section part is getting displayed in next line but in Chrome it is coming in correct format. The picture is also attached with details. I tried various options by changing container and formats of the dynamic layout but nothing seems to be helping. Any help or suggestion will be of great help. Thanks in advance.
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Manasa Sudula -
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Accepted Solution

All, The design for the display of smart help icon had to changed which fixed the issue. For some reason the previous design was not getting rendered properly only in IE. Thanks for providing suggestions.

Pegasystems Inc.
Just for testing, please place the icon directly in the layout instead of as a separate section and let us know your observations.
Best Regards,

Hi, The icon calls a datatransform and section which are in a different layer to display in smartinfo. So for this purpose the icon cannot be placed in the layout. But when the icon is placed (after removing all the conditions) within the same layout, its coming up fine in IE. Thanks for your help.

EPAM Systems, Inc.
Hi Mithun,
How about placing it as Mounika suggested and you can configure an event calling the required data transform or an activity to load the data as per your business requirement.
Also, you can place your class under "Pages and Classes" tab and referring it with local identifier in your field. Just an idea!!!
Kindly notify, if it helps.

Hi Asif,
This was already tried. But the local identified worked only for the datatransform call. But for the section call, the local identifier did not work as PEGA was trying to make a call with a dot. So that is the reason why the entire icon had to be placed as a different section. But this resulted in alignment issue only in IE while in Chrome and mozilla its coming up fine. Thanks for looking into this.

EPAM Systems, Inc.
What Pega and IE version you are using? I will try to replicate it in-house and if it's replicable then you can raise a SR to investigate further.

Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Try using the browser developer tool in chrome and IE and see the dom element for the icon and see the generated html.
Please share your observation with that.

Thanks for looking into this issue. Please find below the dom element generated in the browsers.
Generated in IE
<i class="icons"><img tabindex="0" role="link" alt="" src="webwb/rmasimplification_helpicon_14192717373.png!!.png" data-click='[["runDataTransform", ["SetContextHelp", "ContextHelpType=SpecialFieldEngineer", "pyWorkPage",":event"]],["showSmartInfo",["RMAContextHelp","",":event",false,"auismartinfo"]]]' data-ctl="Icon" data-test-id="2017020900290302083880"></i>
Generated in Chrome
<i class="icons"><img data-test-id="2017020900290302083880" data-ctl="Icon" src="webwb/rmasimplification_helpicon_14192717373.png!!.png" tabindex="0" role="link" alt="" data-click="[["runDataTransform", ["SetContextHelp", "ContextHelpType=SpecialFieldEngineer", "pyWorkPage",":event"]],["showSmartInfo",["RMAContextHelp","",":event",false,"auismartinfo"]]]"></i>
Accepted Solution

All, The design for the display of smart help icon had to changed which fixed the issue. For some reason the previous design was not getting rendered properly only in IE. Thanks for providing suggestions.