MultipleRAP export is possible in 7.1.9 or 7.2 or Deployment manager in 7.3
Hi Team,
We are trying to automate the deployment process using prpcUtils in Pega 7.1.9 however, as per the community forums came to know that we can not do it in Pega 7.1.9. But, I need some clarification since the parameter options are available in file where we can inject multiple PZInsKey in file and provide the path. Please let me know if this is possible or not.
If not can we export multiple RAP packages in Pega 7.2 or Deployment manager in 7.3. If so, could some one help me in sharing the links.
Please let me know if you need any further details...
Thanks & Regards,
Ram Gopal K
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***