
Last activity: 31 Dec 2019 14:44 EST
Modify the filename generated from BIX
we are using OOTB pxExtractDataWithArgs activity to generate BIX extractions for multiple applications.
We have a requirement to achieve the following
- Append certain text in the file to identify from which application the file was geenrated.
- Currently the date is getting appended using ddmmyy format, we want to append timestamp as well to the filename.
for example, considering the below filename BIX_Data_Admin_Operator_ID_ExtractOperatorID_191204_1
This provides information that the file was generated from DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ID class on 191204 , but does not convey the application name for which it was generated. So how can we pass a text like applicationname that would help in differentiating between files generated for different application. Also how to include timestamp in the filename itself
Thanks for your help in advance
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***