
Last activity: 12 Oct 2018 15:09 EDT
Need to generate metadata via BIX
Is there a way to get data like time taken to fetch the records from db table , time taken to generate the csv file and place it in file system folder.Please let me know.
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British Telecom
Hi Hema,
You mean to say, when you run the BIX extarct rule , you want to know time taken to fetch the records from DB and time taken to generate the file separately right?
Are you running through Designer studio or command line, if through command line , in the logs we will get to know overall time take for that, but i am not sure on individual time as you requested.

Sorry, its not individual time , but overall time taken to process the records .
I searched the application logs after running the extract through designer studio.
The manifest file I am able to check now.It has the required metadata
I have one more question. Can we modify the column name in the manifest file.Please let me know

This link when I click , it doesnt open the corresponding page. Can you please let me know the link for the page

British Telecom
Hi Hema,
The link Gayatri provided is pointing to same/current page(By mistake she pointed to same instead of different).
I cross checked the BIX user guide for your requirement, but we dont have any option/ information regarding altering BIX Manifest file.
It only tells that we can generate its in different format as csv,xml.

Is there a way to pass custom parameter to bix extract . I need to pass a parameter to filter criteria tab in extract rule.

British Telecom
Hi Hema,
As per my knowledge , you cannot pass custom parameter.
Regarding the property information for filter criteria, PFA the screenshot.

thank you
please clarify the below..
is there a way to filter based on count of record from the database table. would this ensure unique record when fetching the data
how does bix handle error when running from an agent. when there is an error in a record , will it skip the record and still process the file.