Last activity: 17 Aug 2016 6:50 EDT
Maximum value of pyID
Hello All,
We have a requirement to maintain case details in data analytics platform for nearly 10 years. And our application is a Call center application with huge volume of cases per day. So this being the case we have concern about the maximum value of the pyID we can go upto.
What is the maximum value of a pyID? Are there any restrictions?
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
pyid is defined as varchar(32) in pc_work table. Pending on the prefix of your work objects, conservatively, you are left with 10 to the power of 27 (assuming five characters prefix). You can then estimate your case volume for 10+ years to see if that is big enough. Remember this is only for one work type, not the summation of all types.
Hi Gowri,
I don't think any restriction on the max value of a pyID. It is a common doubt for all of us who are working in Pega but in reality it won't happen.
Ravi Kumar.
We in Pega have an app we've used for years, and what we did is, after the id's had crept up from W-1 to about W-222222 (some 6 digit number I don't know what exactly), we started with W-A1 and kept going, so now we're up to W-A30000.
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
pyid is defined as varchar(32) in pc_work table. Pending on the prefix of your work objects, conservatively, you are left with 10 to the power of 27 (assuming five characters prefix). You can then estimate your case volume for 10+ years to see if that is big enough. Remember this is only for one work type, not the summation of all types.
Pegasystems Inc.
Good points Kevin,
Besides pyID you also should consider table pc_data_uniqueid column, pylastreservedid which is "only" 18 digits.
However assuming you processed a call from everyone in the world (rough estimate 10billion) calls per day, you would still only need to store
36,500,000,000,000 in 10 years. or 14 digits worth, so you could do this for a very long time, and I think you would need to worry about the database needed to store the info more than running out of id numbers.
You may find additional information in the help documentation
Understanding work object IDs
and on the pdn this article also has some additional interesting info
How to include a check digit in work object IDs
Thanks you all for your response. it was helpful.
Pegasystems Inc.
- pyID is a concatination of prefix & id
- prefix column is not exposed in DB
- so prefix can take up to 33/34 but will remove hyphen on a large number (32-34)
- and id can be defined up to 32 chars
- so prefix can take up to 33/34 but will remove hyphen on a large number (32-34)
- since pyID generation is a java step the length constraint is ignored...
- also pyID (32 char) length depends on pzInskey which considers the class name length too...
- pyID would throw an error if pzInsKey length is more than 256...
Saturn Tech LLC DBA Saanvi Technology
Thank you Phani for helpful explanation... :)