Main screen and popup issue
We have used a harness where there is a a left panel and a body. The left panel includes some links and some images beside that link. Suppose If I click in the link 'A' a new harness is replacing the body. Now if click the image beside link A the same harness is getting launched in a pop up screen. Now if we change something in the pop up it is getting reflected in the main screen and same as vice-versa. This is happening as no different thread is getting opened in clipboard for the pop up.
For pop up we have used launch harness (pop up) action and for main screen also we have used launch harness (new document) action
It would be helpful if you provide a solution where both the screen can get refresh along with its values independently so that the values of one screen does not overrides the values of other one.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***