Last activity: 17 Jan 2017 13:55 EST
Looking to give business users to access decision rules from our backoffice portal
We are Looking to give business users to access all the decision rules access from our backoffice portal. How to implement it. Have read some post in PDN, that we can delegate the business rules, so that business can go to decision manager portal to review the rule or make changes. But not getting the clear information or document on following things.
1) Is there OTB previlege or role ?
2) What is the OTB portal name for business to see the delegated decision role that we can use as a link in our Backoffice portal.
3) Is there any OTB accessgroup that we have to have business user's in?
Your help is much appreciated.
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Pegasystems Inc.
I'll preface my response by letting you know I've never actually done this myself. That being said, I did find some help articles that have some instructions regarding the process. The help articles are:
Prerequisites for delegating a rule or data type
Best practices for delegating a rule or data type
Delegating a rule or data type
I'll preface my response by letting you know I've never actually done this myself. That being said, I did find some help articles that have some instructions regarding the process. The help articles are:
Prerequisites for delegating a rule or data type
Best practices for delegating a rule or data type
Delegating a rule or data type
From what I see in these articles, it looks like there isn't a specific OOTB privilege or role that is needed, but rather the target user's access group is supplied when delegating the rule. The article from the last of the linkes I've added above indicates that the OOTB Case Manager portal has has built in functionality to allow users access to delegated rules.
I hope this information helps!
Thanks so much for the details, yes i have read these articles, when i added casemanagerportal to my accessgroup, it not showing an configuration option as given in modiying a delegated item article. Any comment on it. I think i have to incorporate case manager portal in our backofffice portal
Pegasystems Inc.
The Configuration navigation item will only appear if you have rules delegated to you or your access group via the Delegate action.
The configuration Menu is now changed as Manage Rules. i see it now, but we dont need entire casemanager portal to be shown from the back office portal, we just need to show the manage rules harness,
Pega Systems
if it works for you, just create a new portal only for delegate rules and a harness rule that contains only that contains one navigation option - Manage Change (or change the label too) and you are good to go!!
or if you want to use within another portal or something, configure the navigation.
and if you are speaking about this harness - pzDelegatedRules its good to be plugged in wherever suits for your use case.
Correct, I have to invoke pzdelegatedrules harness in our backoffice portal. Thanks... Is there a way to bring all decision rules without delegating it and make it viewable for business users?
Pega Systems
Not sure why would we dont want control on the business rules. They are very critical and we don't want everyone to be able to access. So, its designed for securing this piece.
The concept of delegation is - at run time business rules can be updated by business users without impacting rest of code. This is fool proof and efficient way.
Pega Systems
But do post if you come across something like this :)