
Swedbank AB
Last activity: 9 Jul 2018 10:28 EDT
Long running query on pr_Index_PegaFS_Data_OrgChartW table
Hi All,
Finding below long running query do we really required data in this table or can we disable the declare index.
**|xx.xx.xx.xx*existing requestor retrieved*Rule-Obj-Activity:pzGetURLHashes*DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ID UPDATEOPERATORID #20131010T173711.855 GMT Step: 1 Circum: 0*NA*****Database update took more than the threshold of 500 ms: 7,492 ms SQL: delete from XXXX.pr_Index_PegaFS_Data_OrgChartW where pxInsIndexedKey = ? and pxIndexPurpose = ?*
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