
Verizon Wireless
Last activity: 6 Sep 2017 12:09 EDT
Oracle Data Dictionary Query Hotfix installed,even then no change in the long running OOTB query behavior (PEGA 72)
Hi Team,
Multiple instances of the below mentioned query has been observed in the production environment.
Although we have installed the following Hotfix for HFix-30470 : Oracle Data Dictionary Query not cached as suggested by PEGA,we couldnt find any change in the query behavior.
Hi Team,
Multiple instances of the below mentioned query has been observed in the production environment.
Although we have installed the following Hotfix for HFix-30470 : Oracle Data Dictionary Query not cached as suggested by PEGA,we couldnt find any change in the query behavior.
Database query took more than the threshold of 400 ms: 7,910 ms SQL: ( SELECT NULL AS table_cat, t.owner AS table_schem, t.table_name AS table_name, t.column_name AS column_name, decode (t.data_type, 'CHAR', 1, 'VARCHAR2', 12, 'NUMBER', 3, 'LONG', -1, 'DATE', 93, 'RAW', 3, 'LONG RAW', 4, 'BLOB', 2004, 'CLOB', 2005, 'BFILE', 13, 'FLOAT', 6, 'TIMESTAMP(6)', 93, 'TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE', 101, 'TIMESTAMP(6) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE', 102, 'INTERVAL YEAR(2) TO MONTH', 103, 'INTERVAL DAY(2) TO SECOND(6)', 104, 'BINARY_FLOAT', 100, 'BINARY_DOUBLE', 101, 1111) AS data_type, t.data_type AS type_name, decode (t.data_precision, NULL, decode (t.data_type, 'CHAR', t.char_length, 'VARCHAR', t.char_length, 'VARCHAR2', t.char_length, t.data_length), t.data_precision) AS column_size, 0 AS buffer_length, t.data_scale AS decimal_digits, 10 AS num_prec_radix, decode (t.nullable, 'N', 0, 1) AS nullable, NULL AS remarks, t.data_default AS column_def, 0 AS sql_data_type, 0 AS sql_datetime_sub, t.data_length AS char_octet_length, t.column_id AS ordinal_position, decode (t.nullable, 'N', 'NO', 'YES') AS is_nullable FROM all_tab_columns t WHERE UPPER(t.table_name) = ? AND UPPER(t.owner) = ? ) UNION ALL ( SELECT NULL AS table_cat, s.owner AS table_schem, s.synonym_name AS table_name, t.column_name AS column_name, decode (t.data_type, 'CHAR', 1, 'VARCHAR2', 12, 'NUMBER', 3, 'LONG', -1, 'DATE', 93, 'RAW', 3, 'LONG RAW', 4, 'BLOB', 2004, 'CLOB', 2005, 'BFILE', 13, 'FLOAT', 6, 'TIMESTAMP(6)', 93, 'TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE', 101, 'TIMESTAMP(6) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE', 102, 'INTERVAL YEAR(2) TO MONTH', 103, 'INTERVAL DAY(2) TO SECOND(6)', 104, 'BINARY_FLOAT', 100, 'BINARY_DOUBLE', 101, 1111) AS data_type, t.data_type AS type_name, decode (t.data_precision, NULL, decode (t.data_type, 'CHAR', t.char_length, 'VARCHAR', t.char_length, 'VARCHAR2', t.char_length, t.data_length), t.data_precision) AS column_size, 0 AS buffer_length, t.data_scale AS decimal_digits, 10 AS num_prec_radix, decode (t.nullable, 'N', 0, 1) AS nullable, NULL AS remarks, t.data_default AS column_def, 0 AS sql_data_type, 0 AS sql_datetime_sub, t.data_length AS char_octet_length, t.column_id AS ordinal_position, decode (t.nullable, 'N', 'NO', 'YES') AS is_nullable FROM all_tab_columns t INNER JOIN all_synonyms s ON (s.table_name = t.table_name AND s.table_owner = t.owner) WHERE UPPER(s.synonym_name) = ? AND UPPER(s.owner) = ? ) ORDER BY table_schem, table_name, ordinal_position inserts:
Please suggest.