List of PegaSurvey 6.2 SP3 fixes?
Do we have a list of fixes in PegaSurvey 6.2 SP3? I have the install but no readme notes. Thanks, Tom
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Do we have a list of fixes in PegaSurvey 6.2 SP3? I have the install but no readme notes. Thanks, Tom
Hi Tom,
What exactly is the issue faced by you in Pega Survey. IF you have the hotfix, please let us know the hotfix number and we will try to get you the names of the rules changed in that fix.
Its not suggested to install all the hotfixes released for a particular product till date, instead we can install the fixes for the issues that we see in our application.
Customer is seeing a number of issues with the 6.2.2 SP2 release. This is the most important:
Since this is a patch, I was hoping there would be some documentation listing some of the major fixes.
Hi Tom,
Simple questions have a one-to-one question to answer relationship so we can determine if they have actually answered the question. Complex questions have a one-to-many question to answer relationship so it is not simple to determine that.
Ideal work around is to write validate rule of their own and reference in question pages. If they are using SurveySection ,they can write validation in the activity and reference in the post activity of Flow action.
This can be taken as enhancement request and feed back item FDBK-13422 is raised for the same..
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