Last activity: 24 Apr 2024 5:22 EDT
Knowledge Management article suggestion is working for developer, but not working for User Operator.
In CSR application, while creating a case using developer operator, i am able to tag some Articles to the case using "Configuration tools" option in the others action menu and it working as expected (Showing Count on the question mark symbol and opening that showing the tagged articles as suggested articles.) But, when I try to do the same with user operator it is not working as like developer operator.
What might be the issue?
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***
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Updated: 30 Mar 2024 6:41 EDT
Maantic Inc
@KATTAM13Can you share some screen shots what is happening for better analysis of the problem. And mostly its access grp related issue it seems if its working for dev op and not for actual portal operator.
Please clarify that tagging articles is you are tagging articles to the respective category i.e taxonomy right ?
Try and trace the D_ArticlesList data page which is responsible for loading your knowledge articles.
Share some screen shots of the same.
Updated: 30 Mar 2024 15:02 EDT
Hi Soham chanda, below i shared a document that i followed for the better understandig.
I traced the D_ArticleList data page, it is getting for the Dev Operator, But not for the User opeartor. Is it like any privelage issue. If so, what access roup the User must be given to get the acquired output..?
Here, the case I am opening in the User operator is routed from other operator. (For Example C1 creates a case and it is routed to C2, in C2 I want to suggest an article.) So is there any specific rule need to be modified, so that the case can follow up with the Suggested Articles..?!
Updated: 31 Mar 2024 23:43 EDT
Maantic Inc
@KATTAM13 Is the article which you updated in status "Resolved-Published" , or secondly can you try by giving temporarily prsysadm4 role to non dev operator access group and check.
Tip try and trace when you are changing category drop down to suggested the rule you should focus on is PopulateSuggestedArticles
Thank you for your reply, I tried to add "prsysadm4" to the access group of non dev operator. It is throwing an error.
Yes the articles are "Resolved-Published"
The thing here is, if i am creating case with the non-operator Id, it working fine. But If i am opening the case that is routed to his work basket by other operator, things are not working for the routed case...?
how this can be possibel. Do we need to config, any thing, so that "Suggested articles" will be followed up to the case in different stages..?
Updated: 1 Apr 2024 9:25 EDT
I added the PegaRULES:SysAdm4, but it still didn't worked. I already mentioned that, after clicking save button in config tools section, after the success full execution of the activity, the Data page D_ArticleList is not getting triggered, without this data page execution we cannot see the suggested articles right.?
The response data transform on the data page is only responsible for the suggested articles to get populated and the count.
Could please help me with further approach...?
Before the case creation we are using Persist Case (assignment shape), and then after clicking submission the case is getting routed.
Pegasystems Inc.
@KATTAM13 if you get no further solutions here and the product is not working as documented then please log a support issue via the MSP and let us know the INC id here so we can help track it.
Pegasystems Inc.
@KATTAM13 can you please provide the INC ticket id for this issue if you need our support team to look into this in more detail?
Pegasystems Inc.
@KATTAM13 If you are using KM application and you want to have to add the KM application authors access group to the operator, to have access to the resources that belongs to knowledge management. To check this can you just add the access roles that are available to the developer to the user access group as well Thank you !